Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Giorgi Park opens

This past Saturday, Giorgia Park, completely upgraded, opened. Greeting me as I stopped by are Sonja Drown, the city's Recreation and Transit Services Director, as well has heading up our Senior Center, and David Mickaelian, Parks and Recreation Director.
Yesterday, the Healdsburg Community Nursery School took a field trip to the park. Here they are on a slinky, slitherly bouncy feature.

Evocative of the old Giorgia Park are the "towers," now at the apex of a grassy hill.

This turtle is ambling through the sand at the water feature. The blue in the foreground is a raised trough with tile in the bottom and water coursing down it to an outlet to the sand. Yesterday grandson Rody did a belly flop in the sand and came up wet, sandy and happy.

Most of the nursery school kids appeared to enjoy this grassy (some kind of astroturf) hill. It's steep enough to be a challenge getting up and down, but it looks safe for toddlers.

I'm so grateful that the city voted to upgrade Giorgi Park, in spite of the need to cut its budget this year.

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