Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let's Go to the Movies!

I will be writing a series of posts on Healdsburg theaters. And I want to hear stories from you Healdsburgers about your experiences at the old Plaza Theatre, the Aven or the Raven. If you don't feel comfortable blogging, please e-mail your favorite memory to me at shonnie@sonic.net and I will post it for you and sign your name. I will soon be starting off with a little history of our theaters but mostly I will be writing your vignettes of favorite memories. 
Do you remember?

My dad owned the old Plaza Theatre and my friends and I loved the balcony seats. Medico Drugs on Healdsburg Avenue had a fountain where Mary Brandt, Gloria Selze and I would get ‘hickeys’--three scoops of sherbet with flavoring and whipped cream on top. 
--Norma Rafanelli Cousins 

Then there was the time Dad (Art McCaffrey) went to the big premiere for one of Janet Gaynor’s movies in the 1930s. Janet Gaynor’s cousin lived in the Warnecke Mansion. After the premiere at the old Plaza Theatre, the entire audience followed Miss Gaynor and her cousin as they walked home--down West Street and up Matheson, trailing discreetly behind until Janet Gaynor disappeared inside the house. 
-- Kathleen McCaffrey

The Aven was built in the 50's sometime when we were kids. It was very exciting to have the modern theater... The Aven had a nice little hamburger fountain accessed from outside on North Street, or inside the theater which sold good hamburgers for 20 cents, milk shakes for 20 cents, and cokes and flavored (cherry, vanilla,chocolate) cokes for 10 cents.  It was open so you could see from the fountain to the candy counter in the theater and visa versa.--Maureen McCaffrey Gradek

They used to run triple horror films at the Aven every Saturday night. My summer friend, Dana Johnson, and I would go. Her brother would drive us back to the Del Rio Woods store afterwards, but then he’d stay there and visit with friends. We’d have to run home alone in total darkness from the store to the cabin!   --Marie Butler

1 comment:

  1. I have spent this rainy morning off from work searching the net for information about the Aven (built in 1949 I found) and "that theater" on Healdsburg Avenue (nee West Street) which was already derelict when I was a kid. Found a listing for the Plaza and for something called the State, which I hadn't heard of before. Would love to get photos of these theaters, as well as the Aven (NOT the Raven) to post on these sites.
    Smiles to all.
