Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a Find: Hannah Clayborn and

I am new enough to Healdsburg that I'd never heard of Hannah Clayborn or her website Our
There are numerous detailed, well research chapters on just about every aspect of early Healdsburg life and history. Here's just one tiny, enticing piece from the chapter on Captain Fitch and Josefa:   

Finally, on December 28, 1830, the ecclesiastical tribunal ruled that the Fitch/Carrillo marriage was "valid", although "illegitimate", by virtue of certain technicalities.  Padre Sanchez ordered a light sentence of prayer as penance for the couple.  But to atone for his part in the scandal Captain Fitch was also ordered "to give as a penance and reparation a bell of at least 50 pounds in weight for the church in Los Angeles which barely has a borrowed one."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome to our Town! Yes, Hannah did a great job taking history from many sources and creating a very readable piece of work. It's a great resource for our area history.
