Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Healdsburg City Council Kudos

Monday evening, September 21, 2009, two Community First members, Gail Jonas and Brad Drexler, appeared before the Healdsburg City Council to ask that a discussion of Community Impact Reports (CIR) be agendized. They were the second item placed that evening on the public comment portion of the agenda, following the supporters of the Healdsburg Swim Center.

The Healdsburg Swim Center supporters were there with another community benefit request—that the city council reconsider closing of the swim center for the winter. They filled more than half the city council chambers with supporters of all ages—from tiny tot swimmers, to water aerobics representatives, from masters’ swim teams, Neptune Swimming, and both Healdsburg and Windsor High School swim coaches. Their request is reasonable, albeit late in the process, and they are all willing to band together to raise the funds to close the gap between city financing and actual revenues. I hope they win the hearts and minds of the council members and their request prevails.

The CIR group was well-supported with around twenty people in attendance. Brad spoke in a low-key, positive manner and was very persuasive. Gail’s energy and enthusiasm cannot be topped. Former council member Jason Liles also spoke in favor of a CIR ordinance. Gail respectfully submitted 44 letters of support for the CIR, containing the signatures of 49 individuals. She delivered a crowning “gotcha” moment when asked if those 49 supporters would come out to the meeting if requested, she turned and asked for a show of hands of CIR supporters. We all had a hearty laugh at her, “See?!”

But what I most want to remark upon is the attitude and general beneficence of the Healdsburg City Council members. They listened attentively and respectfully, and were considerate, though they were forbidden by the Brown Act to make any comments beyond the very general. I went away with the feeling that—though I might disagree with an individual council member over specific issues—we were heard by compassionate individuals who genuinely care about Healdsburg, the future of Healdsburg and its residents, from the eldest to the youngest.

So, I wish to thank them publicly for their active listening and their willingness to understand the differing views held by Healdsburg residents. And to thank them for being open to discussion, and perhaps to change their minds, over the tough challenges that face us now and in the future.

(The CIR discussion was agendized for November 2—City Hall, 6:00 p.m. See you there!)


  1. Ann, You make such a good point about the City Council. I've always felt and experienced personally that one of the benefits of living in THIS small town is that there is clearly a forum for having your point of view listened to respectfully--and it is a good feeling. It is also true that in Healdsburg one person (or two or three or twenty) with a good idea can make a difference that affects us all. Thanks so much to you and Gail and Brad and the others for doing this for those of us who weren't there.

  2. Thank you, Shonnie, for offering us a great place to post this kind of news in a timely manner. You're doing a great job of bringing us together.

  3. Ann, I, too, laughed when the show of hands of supporters caught the city council by surprise. I hope my response to them ("So There!) didn't sound "mean, lowdown, petty, and triflin" (my favorite phrase from Alice Walker's book, The Color Purple. By the way, Walker is coming to Healdsburg this fall.

  4. Gail, I can just picture you speaking up like that in the "Chambers".
    When shall we expect your new post? I probably won't have time this week.

  5. Here is the link to the PD article:


  6. Monique, I did see the article, and I was saddened by the fact that the pool is going to close. I wish we could have intervened earlier and brought the community together over fundraising to keep it open. Perhaps we can do that in the intervening months, so it won't close next year?

    Gail, I don't think your "So there!" sounded in anyway negative. It was positive, fun, and funny, and proved the point. The city council members did laugh, too, so I think it went over well. Besides, with the number of hands showing, it was just too timely to resist!

  7. Okay folks, I have to admit a faulty quote (which has now been corrected). (See Gail's words to the city council, after the show of hands.) It took two of us to remember the actual quote, and I apologize to you, Gail, for misquoting you.
