Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Internationally famous global warming activist coming to Santa Rosa on Oct. 2

Scientific evidence reveals that our premium grapes, indeed all of our food crops, will be adversely affected by global warming. Sooner, rather than later.

We’re fortunate that Bill McGibbon is appearing in Sonoma County this Friday evening at the Sonoma Country Day School. McGibbon, founder of, is worth listening to. You can sign up in advance here for $10 or pay $15 at the door.

In a future post, I’ll present the evidence that our premium grapes are likely to be heading to Canada.


  1. I've only read one of McKibben's books (Hope, Human and Wild) as well as a number of his articles. He's accessible, intelligent, and ahead of the curve on answers to global climate change. I wish I could be there Friday night, but I will be at the Geyserville Friday Night Market with my photo and photo products. I urge anyone who has the chance to see him to go, you'll be glad you did!

  2. Did anyone go to McKibbon's appearance? If you did, would you please write an overview for those of us who couldn't attend?

