Friday, September 11, 2009

North Street in restoration and under ground

This week has been quite a week for restoration of old buildings and including our 100yr old water system and pipes being replaced at East and North street. They were so kind to give a mini lesson in water systems to my son! Thank you Victor!

I think Mark at 227 has kicked up some action in raising his house but.....

Jerry at 207 has been working to the bones on restoring his "old lady" mostly inside and creating an orchard in the back lot. He has now moved to the front of the house with draped plastic to make it apparent I think he is working too. Jerry is "off the grid" as you might say with no computer so stop by and say HI physically...wonderful knowledge of buildings, restorations, and recycling of old house parts.

Ann is supervising some completion of upgrades at 340 East and Everett next door is working on his boat wishing he was probably out on the water somewhere.

The corner house at the NE corner of East and North has been undergoing major restoration the last year and the family is now living in the house with outside work continuing to be completed. They are part of the family of the previous long time owners of the property....

Hoping things will be finishing up on the East street property that has been in the works for quite a few years now and will change that face of the street a bit...hmmm.

WOW....take a stroll down our street and slow down driving....yes we are a great walkable city and treasures you will find looking all around you.


  1. Barb, I wish you lived on my street. You have such a way of bringing everyone together. Thanks for all your contributions to the blog!

  2. When you bring the city workers in, it truly makes us feel like one Neighborhood.

    Coincidentally I had a wonderful conversation on Alley One with our City meter reader, John Jimenez. He has lived here all his life and boasts knowing where all the best citrus is growing around town. He even has special tangerine privileges somewhere secret.
