Sunday, December 6, 2009

When is the last time you bought a water buffalo or a llama?

Yesterday my friend Laurel (blond hair) and I (red cap) volunteered at the Heifer table at the annual arts and crafts fair at Summerfield School, an amazing Waldorf school on Willowside Road.

I love Heifer because it provides an opportunity to buy gifts in my grandchildren's name for families around the world who are in great need of help. One year I bought them a water buffalo and a llama another year. On Christmas Day, after they've opened a huge pile of presents, I present them with a card that explains how their gift can mean the difference between life and death or school or no school for children who have so much less than they do.

The other plus about yesterday is that the atmosphere at the Summerfield School was really amazing. The children were given the opportunity to make gifts for others, there were hand-crafted items for sale, and we enjoyed a wonderful lunch of chili, cornbread and salad while several different groups, including children, sang for us.

Laurel and I noticed that the children who attended Summerfield School were self-confident, easy to talk to, and wore highly individual outfits that made it clear they were willing to be different than their peers.

An altogether rewarding day.


  1. Today! I bought two flocks of chickens and donated them in the names of my sister and my brother for Christmas. Before that it was three weeks ago when I donated another flock of chickens. A flock of chickens is $20! I was thinking of all the things people blow $20 on in the course of a week and realized that there are people who spend that much per week on lattes. I immediately sat down at the computer and bought a flock of chickens!

  2. Love that school SO MUCH! Yes, I have to drive 25 minutes each way in the morning from Healdsburg, but I'd drive twice that far for Summerfield...nothing against HB schools, but nothing in the county, perhaps even the state, compares with Summerfield.

  3. Gail, I love your posts and I love that folks are reading them. You have so many interesting things to share with us. Keep it up!
    And we got a new follower! Welcome!
